Tuesday, April 22, 2008

[Film], "Inspector gadget": 7-night collective personality


Look at the "Blessed are the big ears", read "Inspector gadget,"it is not responsible for the ground floor (style)!

Zhang Meng "Blessed are the big ears"Yes, especially at the end, and praise! The ordinary Chinese people see it Zaoxin days, and in the performance of the film at the bottom of life, to hold such a calm attitude and keen grasp, director Zhang Meng deserves further attention. Fan Wei excellent performance, than the "people's car in July to see"more breakthroughs.

Laodu "Inspector gadget,"a wand, is singular creative Jue, and "this man from the Earth"can be regarded as the best story ideas, admire the basic five of the vote. But speaking the truth, plugging De Huang Ting also read. LIU Qing-yun apparent weight loss, the suit seems to be suspected of the upper small »

"Inspector gadget,"a senior film is only Rengefenlie depth on the subject, I feel there are still room for exploitation, the most fascinating part of my personal feeling is actually Inspector gadget (LIU Qing-yun) and his ex-wife (Lin Xilei) the feelings of drama Disposal (probably too miss the "very sudden", the feelings of drama Suozhi LIU Qing-yun), of course, the collective personality seven-night scene,

original link:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b658a9901008mvw.html

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